Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dye Dye must Dye

I must confess - I'm a hair dye virgin. I have never dyed my hair before, but yes I have sprayed on those temporary wash off easily type of hair sprays which was all the rage back in 2000. I remember the guys from my class went totally crazy with those things and one dude sprayed his whole head with golden hair spray - the ultimate ah beng look! Nope, he didn't allow us to take a picture of him and I hope he didn't get too many weird stares when he went home that night LOL!!

I never dyed my hair because
1. my sensitive skin turns all red and itchy
2. (well, the first reason was enough to stop me) the constant touching up when the roots grow out
3. people accusing me of being ang moh (fuck that lah, almost everyone I know dyes their hair, plus even my ang moh classmates change their hair colour all the time too, so it's not a change of identity type of thing)

I wanna dye my hair
1. I wanna look like Rebecca from theclotheshorse (but she has auburn hair, so only milky creamy skin tone like hers goes with auburn)
2. Those kawaii Japanese girls look so good, Asians do look good in certain shades of brown
3. I'm SURE the technology has improved and I *doubt* my skin will turn red and itchy again?!
4. Almost everyone I know has dyed hair - highlights, whole head a certain shade/double shades etc, and seriously, I haven't seen anyone who looks bad with dyed hair (with the exception of those orangey bright ah beng - the official Lian Bang Ren sell durian hair colour. Word.)
5. Plus I keep seeing Liese Hair products from Kao all over and it looks so fun


And looking at the different brown they have - which to choose?!?!



Ok. Dyeing hair seems like a life long decision to me.
1. Have to constantly touch up the roots if not will look damn ugly with that few inches of your natural hair colour sticking out
2. Will have to give your hair protein treatments to hair maintain the texture
3. What if I dye my hair and it doesn't match my skin tone!?!?! AHHHHH!!!!!

Anyway, I'll sleep on this.

Feedback from people who have dyed?

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