Saturday, June 12, 2010

Red Carpet Fashion Awards.

I've been reading this fashion blog whenever I get bored. (Thanks Emman for pointing this out to us)

A couple of things I've noticed:
Jumpsuits have taken the world by storm.

(Picture credit to Red Carpet Fashion Awards.)
If I was staying in a temperate country, I would totally wear this. If I had the correct type of figure.

I see them on the streets of Singapore. Even though it's sweltering, I see Caucasians wearing jumpsuits (the ones which reach down to their ankles, like so above). They are either very into the jumpsuit trend or they are afraid to dress skimpily in the society which caned Mr Michael Fay. (Actually, jay walking is not a crime until you get caught)
Singaporean girls like 'em short.

Alas, I do not have the figure for jumpsuits because they will emphasize my big hips (and as if I don't look large enough). As Jeanie Rabbit pointed out a couple of entries below, I have an hourglass figure, so I cannot wear things which rest on my hips. I will look like a tree as a result.
But, I still can ogle at beautiful clothes, can't I?

I'm writing this because I spotted this line that this blog quoted from Rihanna's interview with Elle.
It gave me hope.
... On her favourite designers: “It’s clear there are definitely fewer black women in the high-fashion industry. One of the things I respected most about Gucci was that they did a print campaign with me. I’m a black girl on a fashion spread for Gucci—that was a big deal. I respect designers who aren’t afraid to go outside the box. I went to a Jean Paul Gaultier show, and I saw girls who are thicker than me, beautiful and voluptuous and different ethnicities. That made me so excited. I thought, Okay, I can work that, for sure.”

Will plus size women like me ever hit high fashion?

1 comment:

  1. I think they look awesome except for the fugly camel toe. LOL
